Topic:Single Image Deraining
What is Single Image Deraining? Single image deraining is the process of removing rain or rain streaks from a single image to improve its visibility.
Papers and Code
Dec 27, 2024
Abstract:Image deraining holds great potential for enhancing the vision of autonomous vehicles in rainy conditions, contributing to safer driving. Previous works have primarily focused on employing a single network architecture to generate derained images. However, they often fail to fully exploit the rich prior knowledge embedded in the scenes. Particularly, most methods overlook the depth information that can provide valuable context about scene geometry and guide more robust deraining. In this work, we introduce a novel learning framework that integrates multiple networks: an AutoEncoder for deraining, an auxiliary network to incorporate depth information, and two supervision networks to enforce feature consistency between rainy and clear scenes. This multi-network design enables our model to effectively capture the underlying scene structure, producing clearer and more accurately derained images, leading to improved object detection for autonomous vehicles. Extensive experiments on three widely-used datasets demonstrated the effectiveness of our proposed method.
* 12 pages, 5 figures, 10 tables
Dec 20, 2024
Abstract:Recent efforts on image restoration have focused on developing "all-in-one" models that can handle different degradation types and levels within single model. However, most of mainstream Transformer-based ones confronted with dilemma between model capabilities and computation burdens, since self-attention mechanism quadratically increase in computational complexity with respect to image size, and has inadequacies in capturing long-range dependencies. Most of Mamba-related ones solely scanned feature map in spatial dimension for global modeling, failing to fully utilize information in channel dimension. To address aforementioned problems, this paper has proposed to fully utilize complementary advantages from Mamba and Transformer without sacrificing computation efficiency. Specifically, the selective scanning mechanism of Mamba is employed to focus on spatial modeling, enabling capture long-range spatial dependencies under linear complexity. The self-attention mechanism of Transformer is applied to focus on channel modeling, avoiding high computation burdens that are in quadratic growth with image's spatial dimensions. Moreover, to enrich informative prompts for effective image restoration, multi-dimensional prompt learning modules are proposed to learn prompt-flows from multi-scale encoder/decoder layers, benefiting for revealing underlying characteristic of various degradations from both spatial and channel perspectives, therefore, enhancing the capabilities of "all-in-one" model to solve various restoration tasks. Extensive experiment results on several image restoration benchmark tasks such as image denoising, dehazing, and deraining, have demonstrated that the proposed method can achieve new state-of-the-art performance, compared with many popular mainstream methods. Related source codes and pre-trained parameters will be public on github
Nov 07, 2024
Abstract:The superior performance introduced by deep learning approaches in removing atmospheric particles such as snow and rain from a single image; favors their usage over classical ones. However, deep learning-based approaches still suffer from challenges related to the particle appearance characteristics such as size, type, and transparency. Furthermore, due to the unique characteristics of rain and snow particles, single network based deep learning approaches struggle in handling both degradation scenarios simultaneously. In this paper, a global framework that consists of two Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) is proposed where each handles the removal of each particle individually. The architectures of both desnowing and deraining GANs introduce the integration of a feature extraction phase with the classical U-net generator network which in turn enhances the removal performance in the presence of severe variations in size and appearance. Furthermore, a realistic dataset that contains pairs of snowy images next to their groundtruth images estimated using a low-rank approximation approach; is presented. The experiments show that the proposed desnowing and deraining approaches achieve significant improvements in comparison to the state-of-the-art approaches when tested on both synthetic and realistic datasets.
Oct 30, 2024
Abstract:Image restoration has experienced significant advancements due to the development of deep learning. Nevertheless, it encounters challenges related to ill-posed problems, resulting in deviations between single model predictions and ground-truths. Ensemble learning, as a powerful machine learning technique, aims to address these deviations by combining the predictions of multiple base models. Most existing works adopt ensemble learning during the design of restoration models, while only limited research focuses on the inference-stage ensemble of pre-trained restoration models. Regression-based methods fail to enable efficient inference, leading researchers in academia and industry to prefer averaging as their choice for post-training ensemble. To address this, we reformulate the ensemble problem of image restoration into Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) and employ an expectation maximization (EM)-based algorithm to estimate ensemble weights for aggregating prediction candidates. We estimate the range-wise ensemble weights on a reference set and store them in a lookup table (LUT) for efficient ensemble inference on the test set. Our algorithm is model-agnostic and training-free, allowing seamless integration and enhancement of various pre-trained image restoration models. It consistently outperforms regression based methods and averaging ensemble approaches on 14 benchmarks across 3 image restoration tasks, including super-resolution, deblurring and deraining. The codes and all estimated weights have been released in Github.
* 10 pages for main manuscript, additional 17 pages for appendix, 18
figures, 17MB
Aug 31, 2024
Abstract:Existing deraining Transformers employ self-attention mechanisms with fixed-range windows or along channel dimensions, limiting the exploitation of non-local receptive fields. In response to this issue, we introduce a novel dual-branch hybrid Transformer-Mamba network, denoted as TransMamba, aimed at effectively capturing long-range rain-related dependencies. Based on the prior of distinct spectral-domain features of rain degradation and background, we design a spectral-banded Transformer blocks on the first branch. Self-attention is executed within the combination of the spectral-domain channel dimension to improve the ability of modeling long-range dependencies. To enhance frequency-specific information, we present a spectral enhanced feed-forward module that aggregates features in the spectral domain. In the second branch, Mamba layers are equipped with cascaded bidirectional state space model modules to additionally capture the modeling of both local and global information. At each stage of both the encoder and decoder, we perform channel-wise concatenation of dual-branch features and achieve feature fusion through channel reduction, enabling more effective integration of the multi-scale information from the Transformer and Mamba branches. To better reconstruct innate signal-level relations within clean images, we also develop a spectral coherence loss. Extensive experiments on diverse datasets and real-world images demonstrate the superiority of our method compared against the state-of-the-art approaches.
* 12 pages, 9 figures
Jul 19, 2024
Abstract:Image deraining aims to improve the visibility of images damaged by rainy conditions, targeting the removal of degradation elements such as rain streaks, raindrops, and rain accumulation. While numerous single image deraining methods have shown promising results in image enhancement within the spatial domain, real-world rain degradation often causes uneven damage across an image's entire frequency spectrum, posing challenges for these methods in enhancing different frequency components. In this paper, we introduce a novel end-to-end Adaptive Frequency Enhancement Network (AFENet) specifically for single image deraining that adaptively enhances images across various frequencies. We employ convolutions of different scales to adaptively decompose image frequency bands, introduce a feature enhancement module to boost the features of different frequency components and present a novel interaction module for interchanging and merging information from various frequency branches. Simultaneously, we propose a feature aggregation module that efficiently and adaptively fuses features from different frequency bands, facilitating enhancements across the entire frequency spectrum. This approach empowers the deraining network to eliminate diverse and complex rainy patterns and to reconstruct image details accurately. Extensive experiments on both real and synthetic scenes demonstrate that our method not only achieves visually appealing enhancement results but also surpasses existing methods in performance.
* 8pages
Jul 16, 2024
Abstract:To tackle the difficulties in fitting paired real-world data for single image deraining (SID), recent unsupervised methods have achieved notable success. However, these methods often struggle to generate high-quality, rain-free images due to a lack of attention to semantic representation and image content, resulting in ineffective separation of content from the rain layer. In this paper, we propose a novel cycle contrastive generative adversarial network for unsupervised SID, called CCLGAN. This framework combines cycle contrastive learning (CCL) and location contrastive learning (LCL). CCL improves image reconstruction and rain-layer removal by bringing similar features closer and pushing dissimilar features apart in both semantic and discriminative spaces. At the same time, LCL preserves content information by constraining mutual information at the same location across different exemplars. CCLGAN shows superior performance, as extensive experiments demonstrate the benefits of CCLGAN and the effectiveness of its components.
Jun 02, 2024
Abstract:Patch-level non-local self-similarity is an important property of natural images. However, most existing methods do not consider this property into neural networks for image deraining, thus affecting recovery performance. Motivated by this property, we find that there exists significant patch recurrence property of a rainy image, that is, similar patches tend to recur many times in one image and its multi-scale images and external images. To better model this property for image detaining, we develop a multi-scale graph network with exemplars, called MSGNN, that contains two branches: 1) internal data-based supervised branch is used to model the internal relations of similar patches from the rainy image itself and its multi-scale images and 2) external data-participated unsupervised branch is used to model the external relations of the similar patches in the rainy image and exemplar. Specifically, we construct a graph model by searching the k-nearest neighboring patches from both the rainy images in a multi-scale framework and the exemplar. After obtaining the corresponding k neighboring patches from the multi-scale images and exemplar, we build a graph and aggregate them in an attentional manner so that the graph can provide more information from similar patches for image deraining. We embed the proposed graph in a deep neural network and train it in an end-to-end manner. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm performs favorably against eight state-of-the-art methods on five public synthetic datasets and one real-world dataset. The source codes will be available at
May 28, 2024
Abstract:Despite the superiority of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and Transformers in single-image rain removal, current multi-scale models still face significant challenges due to their reliance on single-scale feature pyramid patterns. In this paper, we propose an effective rain removal method, the dual-path multi-scale Transformer (DPMformer) for high-quality image reconstruction by leveraging rich multi-scale information. This method consists of a backbone path and two branch paths from two different multi-scale approaches. Specifically, one path adopts the coarse-to-fine strategy, progressively downsampling the image to 1/2 and 1/4 scales, which helps capture fine-scale potential rain information fusion. Simultaneously, we employ the multi-patch stacked model (non-overlapping blocks of size 2 and 4) to enrich the feature information of the deep network in the other path. To learn a richer blend of features, the backbone path fully utilizes the multi-scale information to achieve high-quality rain removal image reconstruction. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method achieves promising performance compared to other state-of-the-art methods.
Mar 18, 2024
Abstract:This report reviews the results of the GT-Rain challenge on single image deraining at the UG2+ workshop at CVPR 2023. The aim of this competition is to study the rainy weather phenomenon in real world scenarios, provide a novel real world rainy image dataset, and to spark innovative ideas that will further the development of single image deraining methods on real images. Submissions were trained on the GT-Rain dataset and evaluated on an extension of the dataset consisting of 15 additional scenes. Scenes in GT-Rain are comprised of real rainy image and ground truth image captured moments after the rain had stopped. 275 participants were registered in the challenge and 55 competed in the final testing phase.